Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Who is this child and what have u done with my son?

We just finished dinner and this is the first time in the history of Jacksons life that he ate all his dinner and had 2 more helpings.

Jeremy and I ate chicken and mushroom ravioli so I made the kids beef ravioli with those smiley face potatoes. They both gobbled it up plus more in no time flat!

When Jackson was done he put his plate in the kitchen and said "I order beef ravioli for tomorrow too."

Meals, especially dinner, is one of my least favorite parts of the day because its always a fight. This has to be the BEST dinner EVER!

Happy March 1st!
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Only 28 more days...again....

So, it's officially been 1 year since I posted on this blog. Very ironic that the day i decided to open it up and write something, the last headline was "Only 28 more days..." and it talks about Jackson turning 6. Well, it's now 28 days until he turns 7! I honestly can't believe it. He has really become a great young boy and I look forward to learning and growing with him. Love you Jackson!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Only 28 more days...

and Jackson will be SIX years old! I cannot believe this! He is going to be SIX! I seriously remember like it was yesterday when he was first born and we were still in San Diego. Where did the time go?

Monday, February 15, 2010

Olympian in the making?!?!?

Well, not so sure about that but Jack has sure grown over the past year. Last year he wouldn't last but a minute on the ice before quitting and now he's doing laps!! After we got home, he was sound asleep in no time... :)

I just wanna dance!

Both of the boys love music, but I think that Mikey has really taken a special liking to it. Whenever he gets the opportunity, no matter if it's on the radio, the tv, or from his toys...he will dance to the music!


Okay, so I had such high hopes to be better at adding blog entries but as you can see, I think I've gotten worse. So, sorry folks...I "promise" (with my fingers crossed) to do better!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

If you eat your dinner, you'll grow big and strong

So last night at dinner, we had lasagne and Jackson liked it (he doesn't like much and dinner is usually a FIGHT). So, he was eating it faster than I think I've ever seen him eat dinner and he says, "I think I just grew a little."

Love it!